Friday, November 21, 2008

AVRnet Ethernet developmetn board V1.1

AVRnet V1.1 is out, added UDP bootloader support for firmware upgrade purpose. You can upgrade new firmware by using AVRnet CPanel V1.1.

AVRnetLoader require 4KBytes or 2KWords program memory

you can activate bootloader by change reset vector from 0x0000 to bootloader section (0x3800) then press reset buttom or click Upgrade buttom on AVRnet CPanel software, after mcu reset bootloader is executed, you will see LED2 blink 5-seconds and waiting for activate bootloader command from AVRnet CPanel. If no activate command, bootloader let check flash memory (0x0000-0x0040) it's already programed or not, if yes jump to application section (0x0000), if no activate bootloader by itself.
*** Do not forget to set boot flash section size=$2048-words and change reset vector to bootloader (0x3800)

Download *** Note **** Before you can build AVRnetLoader you must set .text section to 0x3800.

AVRnet Ethernet development board V1.0
I've been finished AVRnet V1.0, all hardware is base on AVRnet V0.9
What's new in AVRnet V1.0
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) has been added to V1.0
  • New UDP interface software I called AVRnet CPanel, it's written using CodeBlocks C++ IDE with wxWidgets GUI tool kits and MinGW GCC compiler.

More detail about UDP and checksum calculation see on AVRnet : Checksum calculation and Codeblocks installation

Download Optional download
Codeblocks : nightly build

wxWidgets GUI tool kit

MinGW GCC compiler

AVRnet Ethernet development board V0.9
AVRnet is an Ethernet development board, you can develop your internet control system by using AVRnet or build small web-server. AVRnet used ATMEGA32 for main processing, ENC28J60 for Ethernet controller, LCD and push switch for user interface.
Web-client has been implemented on firmware V0.9, it's use for send temperature to web-server via http protocol, you can apply this option for web data logger.
IP, TCP, ICMP, ARP, HTTP protocols are implemented on firmware V0.9, UDP protocol is not implement on firmware V0.9 . and I'm going to prepare documents of all source code.

AVRnet's schematic.

web-client option is disabled by default on firmware V0.9, if you want to enable this option you should be install web-server and server side script, I recommended Apache web-server and PHP script.
AVRnet's source code is distribute under GPL and required WINAVR V.20070122 for AVR compiler, you can download WINAVR from

AVRnet complete board.

AVRnet's home page.

Web-logger sample page.

AVR studio V4.13.528
WINAVR V20070525
Apache web-server [optional]
PHP script [optional]

AVRnet Schematic
Source code V0.9.20070529
PHP script for web-logger

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